When I think back over the last 15 years, there have been so, so many times that God has come through for me in my weakness. At this point, it’s almost impossible to doubt that He will come through for me…because He always has.
But I would have never known that kind of faith, assurance, trust and strength in Christ if I hadn’t been weak.
Especially in America where I live, there is a great importance put on doing things in your own power and strength. Whatever you do don’t ever look weak or admit a weakness, for goodness’ sake!
And yet, when we are weak, Christ’s power comes through so strong!
Paul, a hero of the faith who wrote a majority of the New Testament, wasn’t afraid to admit his weakness. In 2 Corinthians 12:9 he wrote, “Each time (God) said, ‘My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.’ So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.” (NLT)
Weakness is actually a good thing because it’s God’s power that works through you. You know you can’t take the credit for it!
That doesn’t mean that we should view ourselves as a victim or be lazy or feel sorry for ourselves. And it doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be intentional about working through issues and being strengthened in what Jesus has done for us. We should!
But it does mean that I am happy to lean on God’s strength to supply all my needs, especially in those areas where I often feel weak.
For example, in my physical limitations dealing with many years of chronic health problems; or when I battled through a prolonged period of intense fear and anxiety; or when I feel ‘in over my head’ with work and ministry opportunities…I lean on God and He always shows up with His strength. Always.
It’s what He does.
In myself, I am often weak. In Christ, I am strong and lean into His “limitless strength” (See Psalm 147). Limitless means “without end, limit, or boundary”. That is the kind of strength God has and that’s what He offers to us.
I don’t know about you, but that is the strength I want to rely upon.
King David, who is described as a man after God’s heart, knew about that limitless strength and continually relied upon God to pour out strength in his weakness, trials and vulnerabilities. David even said to God, “O my Strength, I will watch for You, for You, O God, are my fortress. My God in His steadfast love will meet me…” Psalm 59:9-10 (ESV)
David knew that God was his strength, and that God would meet him with love and protection.
When I see other people being brave, it gives me more courage to be brave. And in turn, others will be encouraged when they see me (and you!) being brave.
Now is the time to follow God and to be all that He has created you to be. Don’t shrink back. Don’t give up. God’s grace is sufficient for you. Rest in His faithfulness and strength even when you feel entirely weak.
What do you need to be brave in today? Where do you need to take a risk, a leap of faith?
Join me in taking that step today. Because now is the time to be brave, knowing that God’s strength will meet us and carry us forward.
“So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”
Excellent testimony. I love the way you capture the words of Scripture and bring them to life by putting them in the framework of your own life. Very very encouraging. Thank you!