I’ve been married just shy of two years and I’m about to offer you some marriage advice. I can almost guess what you might be thinking….Well, that’s sweet but what does a newlywed who is supposed to be perpetually lost on a puffy white cloud of wedded bliss truly know about being married anyway? While I will surely learn much more, a few things have clarified in my short time as a wife. Whether you have been married for two weeks or 40 years, these lessons relate to every relationship. So, please indulge this silly newlywed for a moment while I share five important lessons I have learned so far from marriage.
Lesson One: Be Willing To Get Counsel
Marriage counseling can be so important to the health of a marriage. Whether you had pre-marriage counseling or not it’s essential for both spouses to willingly acknowledge problems as they arise and to learn to work through them in a healthy way. Sometimes that means taking time to meet with a godly and trusted counselor to help you work it through. It does not mean “complain about your marriage to all your girlfriends and get their two cents.” Godly counsel will help you grow to be more like Jesus and will help you apply and live out biblical wisdom in your marriage.
Lesson Two: Learn to Communicate Well
Men are often given a hard time about being poor communicators. But the same can be true of women. We may talk more but it’s not always in a constructive manner! I am blessed that my husband is open to communicating and working through issues in a mature way. When we have a disagreement we don’t scream at each other and throw things. Rather, we talk about it and work through it together as a team. I’m open to him speaking into my life, and the same is true of him. Even if you or your spouse aren’t the best communicators, you can learn to communicate well. The first steps to learning are humbling yourself and admitting that there is room to grow in this area.
Lesson Three: Choose Respect
Because of God’s grace in helping me to become more emotionally healthy before I got married, I am able to show genuine respect to my husband. He also shows respect to me by listening to and valuing my opinions. When we are mad at each other or feeling emotionally hurt, we give the other some space and then talk it through. Many years ago my normal anger default would be to yell and say something mean-spirited. But even when I am tempted to do that now, I hold my tongue. Why? Because my husband never yells or says mean things to me so I want to show him at least the same amount of respect that he shows me. If you want to show respect for your spouse, you have to grow up. Take name-calling and spiteful behavior out of the equation. Remember, respect is a choice.
Lesson Four: Serve Your Spouse
When both people in a marriage regularly look for ways to serve the other then each person’s needs are regularly met. You and your spouse both have genuine needs. Some of those needs only God can meet. Other needs are meant to be met by your spouse. If one person is consistently giving while all the other does is constantly take, making it a one-sided experience, trouble will arise. But if both of you are regularly giving and receiving, each will have what they need from the other to be content in the marriage.
Lesson Five: Always Put Your Spouse’s Best Foot Forward in Public (and in Private!)
It’s universally awkward to hear someone say something mean or embarrassing about their spouse in public, even if they are “joking”. Often their spouse is not present but sometimes they are standing right next to them. This can only bring harm to a marriage. Make it a point to be your spouse’s biggest cheerleader…to everyone! This extends to family life as well. Compliment your spouse in front of your kids, to your extended family, to your friends. When you are alone together regularly tell your spouse how special they are. This goes a long way in showing love and respect and in bolstering your relationship to withstand difficult times.
One Size Does Not Fit All
Everyone has their own marriage experience…mine may be quite different from yours. Before I was married a friend told me, “Marriage is hard. It’s mostly working through difficult issues and every now and then you get a moment of enjoyment, but most of the time it’s hard.” Contrast that with another friend who told me, “If you feel like you have to work at marriage then you’ve married the wrong person.”
Hmm….talk about conflicting advice! While each marriage is different, I believe putting into practice the five lessons I shared with you can make every marriage happier and healthier. If you are married and haven’t already been practicing these suggestions, make a decision to begin. Even if your spouse isn’t on board yet you can start by being intentional about doing your part in making your marriage a better environment.
We’ve been marriage counselors for more than two decades; together we’ve authored or co-authored 19 books on family life. Your post (above) is excellent and contains a great summary of what every married couple should know. How did you do that? In one post? 🙂 WELL DONE. Thanks for helping marriages thrive.
Thanks so much for the encouragement, Dave & Lisa!
Great points about communication, being willing to consider outsider opinions from others you respect, humility, and always building your spouse up. You are a team of 1 with your spouse, and in all the ways you decide to dismiss things that bug you and spend your time instead building him or her up and helping them find freedom, joy, fulfillment, it bounces back on you because you’ve strengthened the team that you are part of. Things always just change for the better even if you’re not “working on” something specific. Me and my husband have both “changed” but I can’t think of a time we “worked on” something.
I’ve found if you decide in advance that no matter what behavior your spouse may or may not show you in return, and choose as a rule to be unconditional with all the points above… service, respect, etc… it really disarms the “am I getting what I deserve?” mindset. I knew a couple who fought a lot about who was fulfilling their 50% and even how to judge it. In contrast if both spouses are striving to serve and respect the other 100%, it makes it hard to get caught up in the comparison war because it’s a totally different mindset. That bird can’t poop on your head because you’re under a nice shade tree.
I generally agree with your friend who said if it feels like work, you married the wrong person, but I highly respect the words of your first friend who is unconditionally committed to working out everything that comes her way in her marriage even if it’s hard stuff almost all the time. We should all have that attitude. If both are committed to coummunicating and adjusting, at some point those issues will be a thing of the past and the team will be left with great communication to handle the things of the future, which will hopefully be less and less!
great stuff as usual!
Great post! 🙂